Thursday, 10 March 2011

Berlin 2010

There's only one thing I want to talk about that relates to Berlin 2010. I took only a few pictures thereand it was only pictures of things that interested me. This is my favorite...

We went to the 'Film Archive Museum' where they keep loads of stuff from films which aren't being shown in museums at the moment, we saw loads of stuff.
But it was this suitcase that I liked the most... I don't even think it was part of the archive, it was just on a trolley with loads of junk in the camera section of the building.

The reason i liked it was the stickers on the side, it gives the suitcase history, stickers from all the hotels its been to. Its not just the face that it has these stickers on it , but the stickers them selves are really nice pieces of art...

 The use of colour is really nice in this one (above) greens n' yellow, with the light blue sky.

The way, with age, the sticker has come apart is also noice.

 This on (above) is my favorite, firstly the colours are really nice, its also very stylish and lastly, it reminds me of 'GTA: Vice City'

That was Berlin 2010

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