Saturday, 19 March 2011

Ident | 10 | bird bird bird, bird is the word

The idea of pitching to a smaller group has worked out quite well. After pitching my idea to David Bagulay and Ashleigh Butterworth, I got the idea given to me to introduce a bird to the ident.
Dave n' Ashleigh were saying that the start of my ident needs somthing else...look for your self...

This is the animatic I showed Ashleigh and Dave.
they were right...the start is boring and you don't have much to look at and the introduction of a bird would fit in perfectly.

The idea is that the first half of the ident is looking down at the mountain... a birds eye view "ho ho" so i need the same of the bird, which is easier than a side view, plus there's no camera movement so i dont have to think about changing the perspective of the bird.

Here's phase one (below) of bird animation...rough

this one below is the bird cleaned up...but he looks too clean, I have to remember he's flying over a mountain fast, and birds feathers would always flap at that height and speed, so I made extra frames on the wings and feet to make him look like he's actually in flight....and also living.

then i realized his tail and feet seem to disappear...oops 


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