Friday 11 May 2012

Work Experience at The Neighbourhood

During the easter holidays me, Jack and Sarah had the privalage to work at The Neighbourhood for two weeks. I found it really interesting being able to see how a studio functions and started to appreciate the effort that goes into running a studio.

The best part about being there was having the opportunity to work on a live brief. It opened my eyes up to how much effort goes into a brief in the real world and all the ups and downs of it.
It was also really good to be able to look at a aftereffects file and study some of the tricks which people do to make sure everything is accessible and changeable. Having the flexibility to change things round is vital when working on a brief because the amount of changes that come in from the client is unbelievable.

As I hadn't yet started production on my FMP I was able to take what I'd learnt from working at  The Neighbourhood and put it into practice. As a result my files and program files were really easy to navigate and easily changeable. getting feedback from tutors and peers and having to change/ tweak small bits within Im' animation wasn't a time consuming ordeal (as it would have been on previous projects)

Thats the main thing I took away from my work experience

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