Tuesday 23 March 2010

.,,,dRnuk PEpoel .0 rsEArcH l,;

My chosen 'kinetic Verb' being 'Sway' i though I'd best look at really drunk people who can't keep there balance. Hopefully this will help me in trying to get a nice realistic sway going........If not, then it was still worth watching them!

After watching these videos, what I have to be careful of is not to turn 'Sway' into 'Balance', which is quite an easy thing to do, but i suppose they are both sorta the same thing.
In my eyes 'sway' is more subtle than 'balance', so my animation shouldn't be really exaggerated movements but more gentle, slow movements. (but i still want a bit of a challenge so i might put one, slightly exaggerated sway in it!)

What i got from watching these two videos and many more on Youtube!, is the moment of balance they get from swaying to one side then moving back to the other side.
The tension builds for a second, weather he/she will fall or not and then we are relived by the drunk person either falling or just carrying on walking in a stupid fashion.
I'm gonna have to capture that tension where either the 'sway' will fall or move to the other side, which will mean a seconds worth of frames moving very slightly. Oblivious mine wont fall, so it will go back in the opposite direction.

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