Tuesday 5 October 2010

7x7 | Tuesday 21st September 2010

Nutshell - Made an animatic in flash during weekend, showed it to Luke and Rick on the Tuesday and changed it accordingly. Showed new animatic to the illustrators in the afternoon and they liked it. we got the combined character of them......but it wasn't combined.

(clicking on the images and scans makes it bigger!)

This text is from the above scans...

We were going to be showing the illustrators are storyboards, but on Sunday 19th, I was imagining are storyboards in a 20 second clip& thought that the amount of shots we had would mean that on average each shot would get, like, two seconds and seems as thought some shot need more time. others might get half a second!
So on Sunday night i made an animatic on flash, and from that we could see if shots may need taking out if some shots don't work.

Back to Tuesday, I showed Luke n' he liked it, we thought that maybe it would work as a peice of moving image. but after speaking to rick we thought that maybe we were trying to tell too much of the story in such a little amount of time.
so we cut out some shots (ones which were happy with!) and seems as thought we took shots out, we made the remaining shots last longer making the speed of the piece much slower which is  more in keeping with the atmosphere of the story

The illustrators liked the storyboards and animatics, (the slow one with less shots).........then we got to see what they had done, which was going to be the character which appears in the 20 second clip. they said they would combine their two styles to make one character, but what they did was assign themselves different parts of the body to draw in their own style, which we now have to work with (reluctantly)

One of the shots we got rid of, to make more time for more relevant shots was one which we talked about in the least meeting (the first one) and it was going to involve a walk cycle so the character the illustrators gave us were cut up into limbs so that we could animate it. Now we don't need the walk cycle and other shots are needed of the protagonist we asked them if we could draw the rest of the character in the shots we needed. They were ok with this, which meant that we could get rid of bits we didn't like! ***we started on drawing the character in the new positions we needed in their style***

One last thing about the animatics we showed them which were made in flash was that we could easily show what background shots we would need of them, so that helped to communicate  what we needed with out having to try and explain thorough still images

We're hoping for some of the stuff off the illustrators before next Thursday Tuesday or on the day.
On Friday we're going to green screen some snow! we got the snow from the £1 shop today!


This is the flash animation I showed Luke, then rick...we worked off this and made it better and more solid...

This (below) has alot of shots missing which is after Me, Luke and Rick had a talk and decided not to tell the whole story and make the more relevant shots last longer...

After showing the illustrators are animatics they showed us their Character design...

The first lot are Dan Hodgkinson's...

These's are Stephen Nuttall...

This one below, has notes and suggestions for future reference & also a new shot which gets rid of the close up of the dreaded boot.....!

Lastly here are my drawing of the protagonist which I did after we asked them if it was ok to copy their style for other shots...

On the bottom one, you can see me trying to plan out how to animate the guys hands while falling.

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