Thursday 7 October 2010

7x7 | Tuesday 5th October 2010

Nutshell - animated frame by frame a cycle of hands moving and put ABSOLUTLY everything into aftereffects....except two or three things.

(click on pictures and my head will explode)

This text is from the above scans...
Got in & started putting the fall sequence together, I had to animate arms trying to balance the protagonist which took about an hour and a half. After that I had to scan them in & make them into a silhouette, then wacked them into after effects ready to animate. ***to make the movement of the protaganist trying to ballance him self, over the weekend, i recorded my self doing just that.....enjoy below***
While I was doing that, Luke showed me the stairs he'd done over the weekend, they were awesome, except we needed snow on them, so he added that, then wacked that into aftereffects. 

During the afternoon we got everything together in aftreeffects & got everything at the right time frame.....then started animating!
Animating him walk up stairs was quite stressful and took along time to do (frame by frame is sooooooo much easier) but somthing is done which we're happy with.
We also did some more of the movement needed, it all just needs to be finished off & we need to add the snow and a dead guy plus sounds.....and we're done!

God days work but starteing to panic!

Also no sign of the illustrators, they seem to have left us to it.


 What i do at the weekends...

The above videos helped me animate the arms....this is how they turned out (below)...I had to animate his hand coming from his waist which would then go into the circular motion, but that firs frame wouldn't be needed again as it would just constantly go round and round, so the one labeled '7-2' is the one that will like the seventh frame (the last one) to the second one (which is the start of the loop/ circular motion) 

These (below) are the neat copys

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